Class 1 MO/KS Fine Harness Stake
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 450 450 703 450 1- 1- 2 ARC's I Can Teach You To Tango
2 703 703 450 703 1- 2- 2 Henry The Second
3 635 635 635 635 3- 3- 3 Miss Brinkley
4 197 197 197 197 4- 4- 4 Make Me
Class 2 MO/KS Saddle Seat Equitation
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 741 293 293 293 1- 1- 2 Gypsy Allure
2 293 741 741 741 1- 2- 2 He's My Beau
3 836 836 836 836 3- 3- 3 Monnington Titan
4 148 148 148 148 4- 4- 4 Walk The Line
Class 3 Hackney Pony Limit
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 824 824 824 824 1- 1- 1 Craycroft Matador
Class 4 Park Pl. Open
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 663 791 791 791 1- 1- 2 Callaway's Here's To Hope
2 791 663 484 663 1- 2- 3 Fort Chiswell's Prince Charmin
3 806 858 663 484 2- 4- 4 Birthday Kiss
4 484 484 367 806 3- 5- 7 CF A Rare Genius
5 784 806 851 430 6- 6- X A Fire Cracker
6 430 357 430 858 3- 7- 8
7 858 367 806 367 4- 7- 8 Park Avenue Diva
8 367 851 858 851 5- 8- X Believe In Pink
9 415 334 784
10 334 415 415
Class 5 MO/KS Country Pleasure
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 299 299 616 299 1- 1- 5 Radiant Joy
2 111 616 406 616 1- 2- 6 The Devil You Say
3 627 365 111 111 2- 3- 6 CH Just Special
4 406 406 835 406 2- 4- 4 Callaway's Right Triumphs Mig
5 294 627 299 627 3- 5- 6 The Straight Guy
6 616 111 627 294 5- 7-10 I'm Just Sayin'
7 345 294 365 365 3- 7- X A Lucky Town
8 452 401 345 345 7- 8- X In A Blue Moon
9 272 835 452
10 401 272 294
Class 6 Roadster to Bike Open
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 746 746 746 746 1- 1- 1 Taking Care of Business
2 819 819 819 819 2- 2- 2 Live Action
3 832 832 832 832 3- 3- 3 Beaucourt Boy
4 123 123 123 123 4- 4- 4 Alcazar
Class 7 MO/KS Three Gaited
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 689 689 689 689 1- 1- 1 Callaway's Blaire
2 379 317 317 317 2- 2- 3 Sir Smokey Robinson
3 317 408 295 295 3- 4- 5 Always Trust In Me
4 295 636 408 408 3- 4- 6 Majestic's Starry Starry Night
5 636 295 379 379 2- 5- 6 Azure Dreams
6 408 379 158 636 4- 5- 7 Miss Show Trotter
7 158 158 636 158 6- 7- 7 Valeriana
8 771 771 771 771 8- 8- 8 She Is Going Places
Class 8 Limit Harness Pony
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 535 535 535 535 1- 1- 1 Romeo's Cavalier LF
Class 9 Western Country Pl.
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 613 218 218 218 1- 1- 2 CH Dark Fantasia
2 218 613 613 613 1- 2- 2 CH Monsignor
3 328 529 529 529 3- 3- 4 Reedann's Phederal Reserve
4 529 328 328 328 3- 4- 4 Cheeten Lady
5 419 419 419 419 5- 5- 5 Tuffy's Gunslinger
Class 10 MO/KS Five Gaited Pl
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 194 194 194 194 1- 1- 1 CH Quidditch
2 845 845 845 845 2- 2- 2 Magellan
Class 11 MO/KS Park
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 690 690 690 690 1- 1- 1 Hot Apple Cider
2 201 201 153 201 2- 2- 3 Good Fellows Park
3 447 153 201 153 2- 3- 4
4 153 447 447 447 3- 4- 4 Designer's First Impression
5 342 639 639 639 5- 5- 7 Moorcroft
6 344 381 381 381 6- 6- 9 Such A Sport
7 639 344 342 344 6- 7- 9 Desert's Selena Rose
8 630 630 860 342 5- 7-10 Ribbons Attached
9 381 860 344
10 860 342 630
Class 12 Three Gaited Over 2
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 691 106 691 691 1- 1- 3 The Red Hot Kid
2 717 652 675 106 1- 3- 3 Callaway's REality Show
3 106 691 106 675 2- 4- 4 Manipulating The Stars
4 675 675 717 717 2- 4- 6 Soquili's Manolito
5 652 856 652 652 2- 5- 5 Hillcroft Rare Fortune
6 856 717 856 856 5- 6- 6 One Night In Las Vegas
Class 13 Limit Roadster Pony
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 823 188 188 188 1- 1- 2 Silver Oaks Sirfistication
2 188 193 823 823 1- 2- 3 Dun Haven Awesome Attraction
3 859 823 193 193 2- 3- 4 Heartland Truly Devoted
4 193 859 859 859 3- 4- 4
5 536 352 536 536 5- 5- 6 JM's Legacy
6 366 536 366 366 6- 6- 7 Heavenly Creation
7 124 366 124 124 7- 7- 8 Mighty Boomerang
8 352 124 352 352 5- 8- 8 Zazou
9 527 527 527
Class 14 MO/KS Five Gaited
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 619 693 693 693 1- 1- 2 Ridgewood's Wonderful Admiral
2 693 253 619 619 1- 2- 3 Callaway's The Coast is Clear
3 709 619 709 709 3- 3- 4 Ylang Ylang
4 253 709 253 253 2- 4- 4 Memories Miracle Man
5 843 843 843 843 5- 5- 5 A New York Surprise
6 382 382 382 382 6- 6- 6 Bet The Bucks
Class 15 MO Breeder's Weanling
Murray Cowart Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 421 404 421 421 1- 1- 2 Cool Cat Daddy
2 164 421 404 404 1- 2- 4 Santana Beau Gypsy
3 354 164 162 164 2- 3- 5 Velvet Jones
4 404 354 196 354 3- 4- 6 Wild In Blue
5 162 196 164 162 3- 5- 6 Only Jo King
6 273 162 354 196 4- 5- 7 It's The New Black
7 196 273 273 273 6- 7- 7 She's Grace Under Fire
Class 16 Adult Country Pl
Cowart Cates Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 169 799 799 799 1- 1- 3 Talkin To You
2 429 169 169 169 1- 2- 2 Leatherwood's Zenergy
3 799 359 429 429 2- 3- 4 CH Teuschers
4 456 429 481 456 4- 5-10 CH Bella Marietta
5 612 456 865 612 5- 6- X Star Sighting
6 865 612 543 865 5- 6- X Second Star to the Right
7 315 731 315 315 7- 7- 9 Bi Mi's Unforgettable Spirit
8 731 543 359 543 6- 8-10 De La Hoya
9 244 315 244
10 543 481 456
Class 17 Five Gaited Mare Open
Cates Murray Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 510 510 510 510 1- 1- 1 Callaway's Annabel Allison
2 286 286 766 286 2- 2- 3 Designed To Be Treasured
3 766 766 286 766 2- 3- 3 Rhythm & Romance
Class 18 MO/KS Show Pl. Jr Exhib
Murray Cowart Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 688 688 688 688 1- 1- 1 Odeon
2 380 380 399 380 2- 2- 3 Trust Company
3 399 399 380 399 2- 3- 3 Lenore's Tornado
4 148 405 148 148 4- 4- 5 Walk The Line
5 405 148 340 405 4- 5- 6 Man I'm Lucky
6 340 340 405 340 5- 6- 6 Clear View's Rare Jewel
7 149 149 149 149 7- 7- 7 Jewel's Hammydown
Class 19 Am Three Gaited Under 2
Cowart Cates Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 744 744 744 744 1- 1- 1 CH With Style and Grace
2 470 470 720 470 2- 2- 3 Attache's Popeye
3 434 434 470 434 3- 3- 5 She's My Sugarland
4 729 533 729 729 4- 4- 7 Re Energized
5 720 720 434 720 2- 5- 5 Promised Love
6 533 329 329 533 4- 6- 7 The Boogie Woogie Man
7 801 729 533 329 6- 6- 8 Uptown New Yorker
8 329 801 801 801 7- 8- 8 Madeira's Blue Norther
Class 20 Roadster Pony Open
Cates Murray Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 822 230 230 230 1- 1- 4 Twin Willow's McDreamy
2 708 822 822 822 1- 2- 2 Stat
3 579 579 579 579 3- 3- 3 Cruz'N Susan
4 230 708 708 708 2- 4- 4 The Wizard LF
Class 21 Ladies Five Gaited Mare
Murray Cowart Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 131 678 595 678 1- 2- 2 Cavalia
2 678 131 678 131 1- 2- 3 Waterway's Wha'About Me
3 595 595 131 595 1- 3- 3 Hello Beautiful
4 205 205 205 205 4- 4- 4 Mosette
5 785 785 785 785 5- 5- 5 Misty Marie
Class 22 MO/KS Adult Show Pl Sec 1
Cowart Cates Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 692 298 298 298 1- 1- 2 Talladega Red
2 298 692 449 692 1- 2- 5 Figaro
3 202 449 346 449 2- 3- 4 CH Nothin But Spice
4 449 207 629 207 4- 5- 9 Breaking Vegas
5 207 626 692 346 3- 6- 6 Kalarama's Mesmerized
6 346 346 108 195 7- 7- 8 Absolute Queen Of Hearts
7 626 195 195 626 5- 7- X Harlem's Irish Dancer
8 195 202 202 202 3- 8- 8 Soquili's Sir Galahad
9 108 159 207
10 629 629 159
22.1 MO/KS Adult Show Pl. Sec 2
Cates Murray Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 206 206 206 206 1- 1- 1 LaEstrella
2 208 208 628 208 2- 2-10 The Key To Success
3 454 301 316 628 2- 4- 7 Stonecroft Front and Center
4 628 632 150 632 4- 5- 5 Reedann's Yes You May
5 632 150 632 150 4- 5- 9 Frontline
6 400 316 454 454 3- 6- 9 Pineapple Delight
7 160 628 301 316 3- 6-10 HS Daydreams Come True
8 301 400 160 301 3- 7- 8 Pretty Penny Arcade
9 150 454 400
10 316 846 208
Class 23 Ladies Am Three Gaited
Murray Cowart Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 128 128 128 128 1- 1- 1 Heir To A Kiss
2 599 168 168 168 2- 2- 3 Real Action
3 168 599 460 599 2- 3- 4 Work It
4 833 833 599 833 4- 4- 5 Famous Kiss
5 349 532 833 460 3- 6- 7 Prom Dress
6 532 460 349 349 5- 6- 7 Chardonnay's Phancy Lady
7 460 349 532 532 5- 6- 7 Gypsy's Gentlemen
Class 24 Fine Harness SG
Cowart Cates Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 553 553 553 553 1- 1- 1 Wild Carrissima
2 270 270 270 270 2- 2- 2 The Delivery Boy
3 777 777 777 777 3- 3- 3 Without Compromise
Class 25 MO/KS Am/Jr Exhib Three Gaited
Cates Murray Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 705 705 705 705 1- 1- 1 He's A Jim Dandy
2 348 211 211 211 2- 2- 3 Lime Twisted Gin
3 211 348 348 348 2- 3- 3 Callaway's Take A Stand
4 347 355 355 355 4- 4- 5 Party Next Door
5 355 347 347 347 4- 5- 5 Uncle Charlie
Class 26 Am Roadster to Bike
Murray Cowart Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 333 333 333 333 1- 1- 1 Mr's Bones
2 745 745 745 745 2- 2- 2 Thunderbolt
3 818 818 818 818 3- 3- 3 Ring of Fire
Class 27 Ladies Five Gaited Gelding
Cowart Cates Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 736 571 736 736 1- 1- 4 New Yorker's Special Gift
2 571 786 267 571 1- 2- 3 Walterway's Pardon Me
3 814 515 571 786 2- 4- 7 You Can Kall Me Lucky
4 786 736 704 515 3- 5- 6 The Inside Story
5 267 814 515 814 3- 5- 6 I'm Royalty Too
6 515 704 814 267 2- 5- 7 Iconium
7 704 267 786 704 4- 6- 7 Here I Am Again
Class 28 Hackney Pony
Cates Murray Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 180 180 116 180 1- 1- 2 Heartland Globe-Trotter
2 116 116 180 116 1- 2- 2 Heartland News Leader
3 364 364 364 364 3- 3- 3 Rascal Flatts
Class 29 Park
Murray Cowart Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 210 246 489 489 1- 2- 4 Caraway's New York Minute
2 489 573 210 210 1- 2- 5 Designed By You
3 697 697 556 697 3- 3- 6 Anna Wintour
4 573 489 547 573 2- 4- 7 Callaway's Ladies Choice
5 556 210 246 556 3- 5- 7 Digger Dan
6 547 568 697 246 1- 5- 8 My Best Asset
7 568 556 573 547 4- 6- 9 CH Master and Commander
8 246 280 280 568 6- 7-10 Bewitching Lad
9 215 547 215
10 480 480 568
Class 30 Five Gaited Stallions
Cowart Cates Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 311 311 311 311 1- 1- 1 It's Double O Deuce
2 426 426 426 426 2- 2- 2 It's Paladin
Class 32 Fine Harness 2 Y/O
Murray Cowart Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 565 565 565 565 1- 1- 1 Nut Too Sweete
2 486 486 486 486 2- 2- 2 The Code Cracker
3 312 312 285 312 3- 3- 5 Valentine Rose
4 285 239 239 285 3- 4- 5 MBA's Etched In Blue
5 239 285 312 239 4- 4- 5 Appheirently Royal
6 422 422 422 422 6- 6- 6 The Ultimate Cat
Class 33 Am Park
Cowart Cates Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 140 749 749 749 1- 1- 2 Front Row Frankie
2 749 600 600 600 2- 2- 3 Nuttin To Lose
3 600 687 582 582 3- 5- 7 Nuttin Doing
4 491 728 572 140 1- 5-10 Cherished King
5 582 625 140 728 4- 6- 8 CH Fox Grape's Forever Yours
6 728 800 376 376 6- 7- 9 He's a Royal Pepper
7 376 582 491 491 4- 7- X CH Callaway's Local News
8 572 572 728 572 4- 8- 8 My Minuet
9 625 376 687
10 318 140 318
Class 34 Show Pl. 13 & Under Sec 1
Cates Murray Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 351 143 586 651 2- 2- 6 Perilous
2 651 651 438 143 1- 3- 4 Girl On Fire
3 143 586 684 586 1- 3- 4 CH With Bells On
4 586 351 143 351 1- 4- 7 CH Mojito
5 438 684 520 438 2- 5- 6 Imagine If
6 520 438 651 684 3- 5- 7 CH Signify
7 684 520 351 520 5- 6- 7 Santa Ana Wind
Class 34 Show Pl. 13 & Under Sec 2
Cates Murray Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 463 667 667 667 1- 1- 2 Callaway's Eight Below
2 667 827 463 463 1- 2- 3 The Lone Star Heiress
3 356 463 827 827 2- 3- 5 Ryans Wish
4 256 256 356 356 3- 4- 5 Gospel Song
5 827 356 256 256 4- 4- 5 CH Keeper Of The Stars
6 521 521 521 521 6- 6- 6 It's Something Sweet
7 643 643 643 643 7- 7- 7 Too Much Tequila
Class 35 Park 3 Y/O
Murray Cowart Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 129 129 129 129 1- 1- 1 Undulata's Just Perfect
2 417 417 417 417 2- 2- 2 Miraculous Chorus
3 774 774 774 774 3- 3- 3 Doctor Simon
4 768 768 768 768 4- 4- 4 Landmark's Party Dress
Class 36 Am Three Gaited Over 2
Cowart Cates Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 499 499 499 499 1- 1- 1 Call Me Regal
2 555 555 555 555 2- 2- 2 Callaway's Thrills & Chills
3 652 652 652 652 3- 3- 3 Hillcroft Rare Fortune
Class 37 Adult Hackney Pony Pl. Driving
Cates Murray Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 178 178 178 178 1- 1- 1 Hawkeye's Dream Boy
2 187 648 648 648 2- 2- 3 Extremely Supreme
3 648 179 187 187 2- 3- 4 Night Voyager
4 314 187 407 314 4- 5- 6 Regal's Auctioneer LF
5 179 314 528 179 3- 5- 9 Heartland Electra
6 416 407 314 407 4- 6- 9 Velvet King
7 409 528 409 409 7- 7- 8 Buckle Up HS
8 277 409 416 528 5- 7- X Heartland Wonderdust
9 407 277 179
10 778 416 778
Class 38 Show Pl. 18-38
Murray Cowart Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 743 839 446 743 1- 2- 2 CH Perfect Vengeance
2 839 743 743 839 1- 2- 3 CH Undulata's Fashion Plate
3 242 644 839 446 1- 4- 7 Stocco
4 560 446 290 560 4- 5- 6 Kent Brockman
5 644 440 560 644 3- 5- 7 Courageous Reflection
6 290 560 440 290 4- 6- 8 Absolutely Blues
7 446 242 644 440 5- 6- 9 Charming Elle
8 516 290 794 242 3- 7- 9 Captain Sparrow JJS
9 440 516 242
10 336 336 516
Class 39 Five Gaited 14-17
Cowart Cates Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 761 761 761 761 1- 1- 1 CH Platinum's New Look
2 668 752 465 465 2- 3- 3 Our Favorite Memory
3 465 465 668 668 2- 3- 5 He's Full Throtte
4 752 813 752 752 2- 4- 4 Ashlyn's Voodoo Charm
5 813 668 813 813 4- 5- 5 CH Freaky Links
6 649 803 655 803 6- 7- 8 Desert's Double Memories
7 655 649 803 649 6- 7- 9 Sensational Charm
8 803 138 138 655 6- 7- 9 Here to Win
9 138 655 649
10 570 570 570
Class 40 Show Pl. 18-38
Cates Murray Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 309 554 554 554 1- 1- 2 CH Take A Guess
2 554 309 309 309 1- 2- 2 Kenny Dawson
3 718 718 732 718 3- 3- 4 CH Callaway's Ariel
4 732 732 718 732 3- 4- 4 CH Mojo
5 109 109 305 109 5- 5- 6 Cool Down Papa
6 305 590 109 305 5- 6- 8 Fox Grape's Mountain Glen
7 661 661 661 661 7- 7- 7 Callaway's Nick Carraway
8 590 305 590 590 6- 8- 8 James Stewart
Class 41 Three Gaited 13 & Under
Murray Cowart Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 146 146 868 146 1- 1- 3 The Proof Is In The Heir
2 868 868 240 868 1- 2- 2
3 698 264 146 698 3- 4- 4 CH An Heir About Her
4 264 698 698 264 3- 4- 5 Bubble Bath
5 240 240 264 240 2- 5- 5 A Storm STar
6 139 139 139 139 6- 6- 6 Caroline Brackenridge
7 369 789 861 369 7- 8- 9 Size Me Up
8 789 585 369 789 7- 8- 9 Prophet's Song
9 861 369 789
10 585 861 585
Class 42 Am Five Gaited Mare
Cowart Cates Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 511 511 511 511 1- 1- 1 Callaway's Karla
2 362 362 306 362 2- 2- 3 Betsey Johnson
3 306 306 362 306 2- 3- 3 Dream Castle
4 425 425 425 425 4- 4- 4 I'm Questionable
Class 43 Three Gaited 2 Y/O
Cates Murray Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 566 492 492 492 1- 1- 2 Undulata's Optical Illusion
2 492 566 566 566 1- 2- 2 Lady Kate
3 694 694 694 694 3- 3- 3 On The Royal Watch
Class 44 Five Gaited Pl. 39 & Over
Murray Cowart Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 462 503 462 462 1- 1- 4 Callaway's Can't You See
2 467 467 847 467 2- 2- 4 CH Callaway's Dream Big
3 847 847 503 847 2- 3- 3 Agent Cool Blue
4 564 462 467 503 1- 3- 5 CH Desert's Supreme Kid
5 503 564 564 564 4- 5- 5 Rain
6 783 750 721 750 6- 7- 8 Stony Mountain High
7 282 721 750 721 6- 7- 9 CH Summit Up
8 750 282 282 282 7- 8- 8 Positive Proof
9 721 783 783
Class 45 Park Pl. Jr Horse
Cowart Cates Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 609 609 715 609 1- 1- 2 Soquili's Cover Girl LLC
2 841 558 609 614 3- 4- 4 Brightest Light
3 842 614 212 212 3- 4- 9 A Man Of Fashion
4 614 212 614 715 1- 5- 5 Park N Fly
5 715 715 841 841 2- 5- 8 Thunder Top Gun
6 669 669 558 558 2- 6- 8 Midnight Annie
7 620 842 669 669 6- 6- 7 Amberwood's Penelope
8 558 841 781 842 3- 7- 9 Lady Bella Swan
9 212 781 842
10 781 620 383
Class 46 Harness Pony Open
Cates Murray Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 184 184 184 184 1- 1- 1 Impress My Daddy
2 525 525 525 525 2- 2- 2 Front Page News
3 535 535 535 535 3- 3- 3 Romeo's Cavalier LF
4 779 779 779 779 4- 4- 4 Heartland Boy On the Block
Class 47 Show Pl. 14-17
Murray Cowart Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 844 725 844 844 1- 1- 2 CH Brookhill's King of Kool
2 725 844 725 725 1- 2- 2 Meritage Signed Sealed Deliver
3 656 755 656 656 3- 3- 8 Final Deklaration
4 321 740 740 740 4- 4- 9 Reedann's Rare Mystery
5 518 531 670 670 5- 6- 7 Straight No Chaser
6 531 670 755 755 3- 6-10 Brookhill's Knockout
7 670 321 435 531 5- 6-10 Solideo
8 435 656 518 321 4- 7- X Caliboque Charm
9 740 815 118
10 755 435 531
Class 48 Ladies Three Gaited Under 2
Cowart Cates Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 702 716 716 716 1- 1- 4 She's Born to Sparkle
2 263 719 702 702 1- 2- 3 Ever Glade's Summer Heir
3 592 702 719 719 2- 3- 5 Ribbons and Reins
4 716 263 268 263 2- 4- 5 Ready To Jet
5 719 268 263 268 4- 5- 6 Sophie Simpson
6 268 592 592 592 3- 6- 6 Hilheiry Duff
7 353 353 353 353 7- 7- 7 Crackalackin
Class 49 Five Gaited 2 Y/O
Cates Murray Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 665 665 665 665 1- 1- 1 Jail Time
2 241 241 241 241 2- 2- 2 The King's Speech
Class 50 Parade Horses
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 526 615 526 526 1- 1- 2 Water Water Everywhere
2 615 526 615 615 1- 2- 2 Marty McFly
3 227 227 227 227 3- 3- 3 Stonewall's Ebony Angel
4 229 229 229 229 4- 4- 4 Sparks In The Heir
Class 51 Ladies Fine Harness
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 389 389 389 389 1- 1- 1 Our Brilliant Belle
2 681 681 681 681 2- 2- 2 Follow The Sun
3 250 324 250 250 3- 3- 4 A Magical Melody
4 271 250 271 271 4- 4- 5 La Renaissance
5 324 271 324 324 3- 5- 5 Thomas McCleod
6 411 411 411 411 6- 6- 6 My Bling
Class 52 Am Hackney Pony
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 645 645 645 645 1- 1- 1 CH Heartland Fortune Maker
2 182 182 182 182 2- 2- 2
3 451 451 451 451 3- 3- 3 Follow Suit
Class 53 UPHA Jr. Challenge Cup Finals
Becker Lavery Mugnier
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 640 441 441 441 1- 1- 3 Zagnut
2 370 370 370 370 2- 2- 2 Highpoint's Syncopated Rhythm
3 441 640 640 640 1- 3- 3 CH EQ A Sweet Sensation
4 289 501 439 439 4- 5- 5 Heir's Sparkling Star
5 439 439 658 658 5- 6- 9 CH EQ Oh What A Feeling
6 658 807 836 289 4- 7- 8 I'm In Heaven
7 836 127 289 836 6- 7-10 Monnington Titan
8 413 289 807 807 6- 8- 9 Guided By Magic
9 807 658 127 127 7- 9-12 Rob New York
10 304 836 413 413 8-10-12 Maximum Bob
11 501 304 304
12 127 413 501
Class 54 Three Gaited Under 2
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 374 374 695 374 1- 1- 3 Sir Silver Knight
2 734 695 734 695 1- 2- 3 VHF Belle Epoque
3 695 734 374 734 2- 2- 3 CH Enough About You
4 368 368 368 368 4- 4- 4 Crave
5 532 532 532 532 5- 5- 5 Gypsy's Gentlemen
Class 55 Three Gaited 14-17
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 762 762 762 762 1- 1- 1 Platinum Moon
2 487 487 487 487 2- 2- 2 Swing An Singin
3 756 756 756 756 3- 3- 3 Watermark's A Kiss for Luck
4 764 262 262 262 4- 4- 5 Designed For Blue
5 262 764 650 764 4- 5- 6 CH HS Dignitary
6 650 650 764 650 5- 6- 6 Sky Bravo
Class 56 Show Pl. 39 & Over
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 598 598 397 598 1- 1- 3 Mighty Thor
2 397 853 377 397 1- 2- 3 Nina Campbell
3 782 397 598 377 2- 4- 4 The Mansion
4 377 377 583 583 4- 5- 5 Nuttin But A Lady
5 583 583 431 853 2- 6- 8 Black Heiress
6 360 431 853 431 5- 6- 7 Radiant Day
7 431 330 360 360 6- 7- 8 Designer Quality
8 853 360 428 782 3- 9-10 Catalino
9 330 782 330
10 428 428 782
Class 57 Jr Fine Harness
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 607 607 597 607 1- 1- 2 Talk Is Money
2 597 310 607 597 1- 2- 4 Renaissance Man's Medici
3 559 559 559 559 3- 3- 3 Tory Burch
4 310 597 310 310 2- 4- 4 Ringo's Mega Buck
5 530 530 530 530 5- 5- 5 Cuttin Up
6 685 685 685 685 6- 6- 6 Little Bit of Life
Class 58 MO/KS Am/Jr Exhib Five Gaited
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 296 633 296 296 1- 1- 3 Just Outrageous
2 633 402 633 633 1- 2- 2 Gypsies, Tramps & Thieves
3 110 296 350 402 2- 4- 4 Callaway's Cry Me A River
4 402 701 402 350 3- 5- 5 Champagne Lifestyle
5 350 350 110 110 3- 5- 6 Arrowhead's Dream cAtcher
6 300 110 623 300 6- 7- 7 CH Allied Heir Strike
7 631 300 300 701 4- 8- 9 Courtier
8 161 623 701 623 6- 8-10 Americana's Standing Ovation
9 701 631 631
10 623 161 161
Class 59 Five Gaited 13 & Under
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 552 490 490 490 1- 1- 2 CH Callaway's Born for This
2 490 552 552 552 1- 2- 2 Bono
3 538 265 265 265 3- 3- 4 The Cover Story
4 265 538 673 538 3- 4- 8 Heir Comes the Man
5 673 522 662 673 4- 5- 6 Varsity Blues
6 522 673 522 522 5- 6- 6 Lawman
7 219 219 219 219 7- 7- 7 Finding Treasure
8 662 662 538 662 5- 8- 8 Heir Dazzle
Class 60 Am Roadster Pony
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 189 189 189 189 1- 1- 1 Sugarland
2 448 448 192 448 2- 2- 3 Heartland Curtain Call
3 192 192 448 192 2- 3- 3 Thunderation
4 276 276 276 276 4- 4- 4 Regal's Bandolero
5 862 308 308 308 5- 5- 7 Regal's Special Effort LF
6 198 862 862 862 5- 6- 6
7 308 617 617 617 7- 7- 8 Lieutenant Dan
8 617 536 198 198 6- 8- 9 Regal's Amigo LF
9 536 198 536
10 366 366 366
Class 61 Ladies Am Five Gaited
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 135 135 135 135 1- 1- 1 Divine Asset
2 580 580 497 580 2- 2- 3 Imperiaptor
3 497 497 580 497 2- 3- 3 My Rosalita
4 508 458 679 458 4- 5- 7 He's Born to Lead
5 550 508 458 508 4- 5-10 Callaway's Bookmark
6 679 679 550 679 4- 6- 6 Callaway's I'll Stand By You
7 458 550 587 550 5- 6- 7 Belle Reve's So Photogenic
8 144 226 226 226 8- 8-10 Reedann's Top Notch
9 587 587 144
10 226 144 508
Class 62 Fine Harness Open
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 167 167 375 167 1- 1- 3 Vienna Waltz
2 594 594 594 594 2- 2- 2 Roselane's Clemency
3 375 238 167 375 1- 3- 4 My Hail Mary
4 238 375 238 238 3- 4- 4 Reedann's County Gossip
Class 63 Park Jr Exhib.
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 760 760 258 760 1- 1- 2 CH I'm Mc Dreamy
2 258 258 760 258 1- 2- 2 Let's TAlk
3 137 137 542 137 3- 3- 4 CH High Heat
4 542 542 137 542 3- 4- 4 Cloverleaf Master and Comman
5 444 765 765 765 5- 5- 6 CH Stravinsky
6 765 444 682 444 5- 6-10 CH Hillside's Sensation
7 506 808 808 808 7- 7-10 Dreamacres Lucy In the Sky
8 213 281 506 506 7- 8-10 Uptown Chatter
9 331 331 331
10 808 506 444
Class 64 Ladies Three Gaited Over 2
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 557 488 557 557 1- 1- 3 Brookhill's Glam Slam
2 307 307 307 307 2- 2- 2 The Rhumba
3 488 557 488 488 1- 3- 3 Kentucky Proud
Class 65 Roadster to Wagon
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 738 855 855 855 1- 1- 2 Ice Man
2 855 738 738 738 1- 2- 2 Last Call
Class 66 Am Five Gaited SG
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 172 172 172 172 1- 1- 1 CH The Daily Lottery
2 132 132 132 132 2- 2- 2 Fort Chiswell's Royal Kiss
3 472 472 660 472 3- 3- 5 Finest Hour Spent
4 849 660 410 660 3- 4- 5 Mark of Perfection
5 660 849 472 849 4- 5- 6 New York's Real Magic
6 852 852 849 852 6- 6- 7 Yankee Power
7 410 410 852 410 4- 7- 7 CH Roseridge's Gold
8 672 589 672 672 8- 8- 9 Callaway's Outta Here
9 589 672 589
Class 67 Am Harness Pony
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 176 176 176 176 1- 1- 1 CH Crystal Creek's Commander
2 433 541 433 433 2- 2- 3 Heartland Queen of the Road
3 390 433 390 390 3- 3- 4 Backstage Pass
4 541 390 541 541 2- 4- 4 Heartland Marching Orders
Class 68 Five Gaited Geldings
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 854 373 373 373 1- 1- 3 Attache's Crown Royal
2 714 471 714 714 2- 2- 3 Stewie Griffin
3 373 714 854 854 1- 3- 4 Wicked In A Winning Way
4 471 854 471 471 2- 4- 4 I'll Bet You
5 869 869 869 869 5- 5- 5
6 857 325 325 325 6- 6- 7 Spek
7 325 857 857 857 6- 7- 7 Madeira's Taste of Reality
Class 70 AHHS Roadster Pony Under Saddle Med.
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 173 173 173 173 1- 1- 1 A Dazzling Diva
2 837 837 837 837 2- 2- 2 Regal's Double Trouble LF
3 181 181 181 181 3- 3- 3 Heartland Painted Creation
4 724 724 724 724 4- 4- 4 Aragorn
5 455 455 455 455 5- 5- 5 Perfect Offering
Class 71 Country Pl. Driving
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 477 477 608 477 1- 1- 2 CH Callaway's Cumulus
2 608 608 477 608 1- 2- 2 Double or Nuttin
3 618 618 618 618 3- 3- 3 Heirizona Rose
4 412 361 361 361 4- 4- 5 CH It's Good Karma
5 361 412 481 412 4- 5- 7 Fascinating Conversation
6 722 722 722 722 6- 6- 6 Stonecroft First Request
7 481 481 412 481 5- 7- 7 Prime Time Player
Class 72 Roadster Under Saddle
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 832 832 832 832 1- 1- 1 Beaucourt Boy
Class 73 Five Gaited Pl. Jr Exhib
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 257 257 466 257 1- 1- 2 I'm Something Wicked
2 396 611 257 466 1- 3- 3 Stonecroft Rumor Has It
3 466 466 396 396 2- 3- 6 Faithful One
4 611 753 804 611 2- 4- 6 Start the Game
5 445 445 445 445 5- 5- 5 CH A Dream In Color
6 804 396 611 804 4- 6- 8 Wee Pee's Cassiopeia
7 753 812 753 753 4- 7- 7 Fort Chiswell's The It Girl
8 812 804 519 812 7- 8- 9 Madeira's Deliverance
9 816 519 812
10 845 816 816
Class 75 Ladies West. Pl.
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 790 613 790 790 1- 1- 2 Reedann's Phancy Phootwork
2 388 790 613 613 1- 2- 3 CH Monsignor
3 613 218 529 218 3- 4- 5 CH Dark Fantasia
4 328 831 218 328 4- 5- 6 Cheeten Lady
5 218 870 328 831 4- 6- 7 CH I'm Goin Out Tonight
6 319 328 831 529 3- 7- 8 Reedann's Phederal Reserve
7 831 529 870 870 5- 7- X
8 529 423 319 319 6- 8- 9 King's Blackmail
9 423 319 423
10 419 388 388
Class 76 Country Pl. 13 & Under
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 699 699 699 699 1- 1- 1 Callaway's Winning Number
2 674 674 674 674 2- 2- 2 Majestic's Trust Me
3 504 810 810 810 3- 3- 4 Stars Go Blue
4 810 504 504 504 3- 4- 4 Brianna Fox
5 723 723 723 723 5- 5- 5 Uwharrie's Patriot Sage
6 828 828 828 828 6- 6- 6 Romeo's Night Out
Class 77 MO/KS Show Pl. Jr Exhib Champ
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 688 688 688 688 1- 1- 1 Odeon
2 380 380 399 380 2- 2- 3 Trust Company
3 399 399 380 399 2- 3- 3 Lenore's Tornado
4 148 148 148 148 4- 4- 4 Walk The Line
5 405 340 405 405 5- 5- 7 Man I'm Lucky
6 149 149 340 340 5- 6- 7 Clear View's Rare Jewel
7 340 405 149 149 6- 6- 7 Jewel's Hammydown
Class 77 MO/KS Show Pl. Adult Champ
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 206 298 298 298 1- 1- 2 Talladega Red
2 298 202 692 692 2- 3- 7 Figaro
3 202 692 346 202 2- 3- 9 Soquili's Sir Galahad
4 346 207 449 346 3- 4- 7 Kalarama's Mesmerized
5 449 208 208 449 4- 5- 6 CH Nothin But Spice
6 208 449 206 208 5- 5- 6 The Key To Success
7 692 346 628 206 1- 6-10 LaEstrella
8 628 626 150 628 7- 8- X Stonecroft Front and Center
9 316 316 202
10 301 206 301
Class 78 AHHS Roadster Pony Med. 14-17
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 185 185 185 185 1- 1- 1 Kharbon Steel
2 126 126 126 126 2- 2- 2 Romeo's Commandant LF
Class 79 Am Fine Harness
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 677 677 677 677 1- 1- 1 HS Baby Steps
2 696 696 696 696 2- 2- 2 Magical Promises
3 483 483 483 483 3- 3- 3 Bump In The Night
4 610 610 610 610 4- 4- 4 Five Star Day
Class 80 Three Gaited Pony
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 758 758 758 758 1- 1- 1 Nuttin But Style
2 776 776 776 776 2- 2- 2 Powerful Tango
3 121 121 121 121 3- 3- 3 Designer Diva
Class 81 Show Pl. Driving
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 418 332 332 332 1- 1- 3 Surprise Kiss
2 545 269 418 418 1- 2- 6 Spend the Night
3 332 108 108 108 3- 3- 5 Undulata's Health Nut
4 269 545 545 545 2- 4- 4 Ready or Nut
5 108 840 269 269 2- 4- 5 Such A Catch
6 157 418 637 637 6- 7- 7 Spooling Up
7 637 637 840 840 5- 7- 8 Mr Bling
8 840 157 157 157 6- 8- 8 Queensbury Starquest
Class 82 Country Pl. 14-17
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 676 437 437 437 1- 1- 2 CH Extremely Fortunut
2 437 676 735 676 1- 2- 5 Royal Valentine
3 299 866 299 299 3- 3- 6 Radiant Joy
4 735 735 866 735 2- 4- 4 CH Hard Day's Night TS
5 866 221 676 866 3- 4- 5
6 113 299 220 113 6- 7- 7 Dressed For The Party
7 220 113 113 220 6- 7- 8 Blue Grass Mac
8 221 220 221 221 5- 8- 8 Worthy's Exhibitor
Class 83 AHHS Hackney Pony Pl Driving
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 177 177 177 177 1- 1- 1 Crystal Creek's Foxnomenal
2 395 395 395 395 2- 2- 2 Pacifico's Standing Ovation
3 502 502 502 502 3- 3- 3 Conqueror's Colleen
Class 84 MO/KS Park Stake
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 690 690 690 690 1- 1- 1 Hot Apple Cider
2 201 153 201 201 2- 2- 3 Good Fellows Park
3 342 201 630 153 2- 4- 4
4 153 342 153 342 3- 4- 5 Ribbons Attached
5 630 630 342 630 3- 5- 5 Ro & Me's Kiss and Tell
6 639 639 639 639 6- 6- 6 Moorcroft
7 344 344 344 344 7- 7- 7 Desert's Selena Rose
Class 85 Show Pl. Driving
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 391 391 391 391 1- 1- 1 Irresistible Design
2 115 115 115 115 2- 2- 2 Gypsy Gentlemen
3 475 475 326 475 3- 3- 4 American Art
4 171 171 475 171 4- 4- 6 Super Cooper
5 326 326 809 326 3- 5- 5 Jack And Coke
6 385 644 171 809 5- 7- 7 Designed for Success
7 809 809 385 385 6- 7- 8 Taking A Chance
8 644 385 644 644 6- 8- 8 Courageous Reflection
Class 86 Five Gaited Pony
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 457 457 457 457 1- 1- 1 CH Billy Jewel
2 757 829 829 829 2- 2- 3
3 829 757 757 757 2- 3- 3 Silvashay
4 602 602 602 602 4- 4- 4 Little Lord Huntley
Class 86.1 AHHS Roadster Pony 13 & Under
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 186 186 186 186 1- 1- 1 Mastercraft's Red Baron LF
2 378 837 378 378 2- 2- 3 My Kryptonite
3 837 378 837 837 2- 3- 3 Regal's Double Trouble LF
Class 87 UPHA Fine Harness Classic Champ
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 485 593 313 509 2- 2- 4 Take Me Home Tonight
2 509 562 509 593 1- 3- 3 Leatherwood's Aha Moment
3 593 485 593 485 1- 3- 5 Master Blue
4 313 509 562 313 1- 4- 5 Las Vegas First Edition
5 209 313 485 562 2- 4- 6 Sir Surreal
6 562 209 209 209 5- 6- 6 I'm A Fashionista
7 232 548 338 548 7- 8- 8 The Voodoo King
8 548 232 548 232 7- 8- 9 Treasure By The Bay
9 770 770 232
10 338 338 770
Class 88 UPHA Hackney Pony Classic Champ
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 432 432 432 432 1- 1- 1 Heartland Commendable
Class 89 UPHA Park Pl. Classic
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 101 101 680 101 1- 1- 4 On Higher Ground
2 363 479 479 479 2- 2- 8 Ethereal Love
3 119 102 363 363 2- 3- X MBA's Nuttin' But Blue
4 398 170 101 119 3- 5- 7 Peri's Charm SS
5 680 398 119 680 1- 5- 8 Kalarama's Prospero
6 170 142 142 398 4- 5- 9 Nuttin But Fancy
7 468 119 170 170 4- 6- 7 Evolution
8 479 680 102 142 6- 6- X Sexy
9 102 468 398
10 156 156 468
Class 90 UPHA Hackney Pony Pl. Driving Classic
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 183 183 183 183 1- 1- 1 I Am Legend
2 524 524 117 524 2- 2- 3 Palisade's Mr Big Stuff
3 231 231 524 231 3- 3- 4 Heartland Investor
4 117 117 231 117 2- 4- 4 I Believe
Class 91 UPHA Three Gaited Classic
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 711 711 711 711 1- 1- 1 Macadamia
2 493 493 624 493 2- 2- 3 Hollywood Is Nuts
3 624 624 493 624 2- 3- 3 Heir to the Prince
4 442 442 442 442 4- 4- 4 Pretty Persuasion
5 792 237 260 260 5- 6- 7 Undulata's Crystal Illusionist
6 260 802 237 237 5- 6- 8 Reedann's Fantastic Design
7 802 260 792 792 5- 7- 8 Madeira's Southern Gentlemen
8 237 792 802 802 6- 7- 8 Royal Crest's Sunday's Stone
Class 92 UPHA Harness Pony Classic
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 647 539 647 647 1- 1- 2 Heartland Crimson Rose
2 222 647 539 539 1- 2- 3 Heartland Pretty Penny
3 539 222 222 222 2- 3- 3 JRP's McBrass Lass
4 284 125 228 284 4- 5- 5 Caesar Augustus
5 125 284 284 125 4- 5- 6 Iron Hyde
6 228 228 125 228 4- 6- 6 Designer Genes
Class 93 UPHA Sr. Challenge Cup Finals
Lavery Mugnier Becker
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 747 747 747 747 1- 1- 1 CH EQ Chanti's Prayer
2 763 517 763 763 2- 2- 3 CH EQ Kiss of the Zodiac
3 517 763 739 517 2- 3- 4 Heirronic
4 247 739 517 739 3- 4- 6 Imagine My Surprse
5 659 659 247 247 4- 5- 6 Harley Rally
6 739 247 737 659 5- 5- 8 Royal Tryst
7 706 453 453 453 7- 7- 8 He's Heaven Sent
8 453 443 659 706 7- 9-10 Linus Van Pelt
9 249 706 741 737 6-10-10 Coco Mojo
10 737 737 706 741 9-11-11 He's My Beau
11 741 741 443
12 443 249 249
Class 94 UPHA Roadster Pony Classic
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 175 175 175 175 1- 1- 1 Born On The Bayou
2 540 540 540 540 2- 2- 2 Heartland Dr Do Right
3 387 549 387 387 3- 3- 5 Craycroft's X-Otica
4 634 255 549 549 3- 4- 6 Palisades Hawkeye
5 255 387 191 255 4- 5- 6 Shake It
6 549 646 255 634 4- 7- 8 Heartland Cracker Jack
7 646 634 646 646 6- 7- 7 Heartland Coco Chanel
8 200 200 634 200 8- 8- 9 Regal's Overnight Express
9 191 191 200
Class 95 UPHA Five Gaited Classic
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 145 145 775 145 1- 1- 2 Just Browsing
2 664 775 145 775 1- 2- 3 Nuttin But Talk
3 775 664 664 664 2- 3- 3 Lucky You Lucky me
4 235 235 235 235 4- 4- 4 Reedann's Timeless Treasure
5 278 278 278 278 5- 5- 5 Cullen's Fortune
Class 98 MO/KS Country Pl Champ
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 616 111 616 616 1- 1- 2 The Devil You Say
2 111 616 406 111 1- 2- 3 CH Just Special
3 452 345 111 452 3- 4- 5 Tell Me More
4 345 452 835 345 3- 4- 6 In A Blue Moon
5 406 294 452 406 2- 5- 7 Callaway's Right Triumphs Mig
6 835 401 345 835 4- 6- 9 Shady Creek's Design
7 365 406 365 365 7- 7- 8 A Lucky Town
8 401 365 401 401 6- 8- 8 Red Headed Rachel
9 272 835 272
10 294 272 294
Class 99 Show Pl. 14-17 Nat. Champ
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 725 725 844 725 1- 1- 2 Meritage Signed Sealed Deliver
2 670 844 725 844 1- 2- 3 CH Brookhill's King of Kool
3 844 740 321 740 3- 4- 6 Reedann's Rare Mystery
4 740 531 656 518 5- 5- 6 Absolutely Got It
5 518 656 518 656 4- 5- 7 Final Deklaration
6 321 518 740 321 3- 6- 7 Caliboque Charm
7 656 321 531 531 4- 7- 8 Solideo
8 531 118 386 386 8- 9-10 My Amarillo
9 386 670 476
10 403 386 403
Class 100 MO/KS Am/Jr Exhib Five Gaited Stake
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 296 296 402 296 1- 1- 3 Just Outrageous
2 633 633 633 633 2- 2- 2 Gypsies, Tramps & Thieves
3 402 402 296 402 1- 3- 3 Callaway's Cry Me A River
4 300 350 623 110 5- 5- 5 Arrowhead's Dream cAtcher
5 110 110 110 300 4- 6- 6 CH Allied Heir Strike
6 631 300 300 623 4- 7- 8 Americana's Standing Ovation
7 623 631 631 631 6- 7- 7 Bluebells Thunder
8 350 623 350 350 4- 8- 8 Champagne Lifestyle
Class 101 Country Pl Adult Nat Champ
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 429 799 429 429 1- 1- 4 CH Teuschers
2 799 731 169 799 1- 2- 3 Talkin To You
3 169 456 799 169 2- 3- 8 Leatherwood's Zenergy
4 865 429 612 865 4- 5- 9 Second Star to the Right
5 481 865 543 359 6- 6- 7 Mister Gordon Lightfoot
6 359 481 359 481 5- 6- X Prime Time Player
7 543 359 244 543 5- 7- X De La Hoya
8 612 169 731 612 4- 8- 9 Star Sighting
9 244 612 865
10 731 315 456
Class 102 Equitation 13 & Under
Mugnier Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 640 127 369 127 1- 2- 4 Rob New York
2 127 439 439 439 2- 2- 6 Heir's Sparkling Star
3 658 825 825 825 3- 3- X Callaway's Pursued
4 369 836 127 369 1- 4- 5 Size Me Up
5 836 369 658 658 3- 5- 9 CH EQ Oh What A Feeling
6 439 640 640 836 4- 5-10 Monnington Titan
7 807 727 727 640 1- 6- 6 CH EQ A Sweet Sensation
8 727 501 807 727 7- 7- 8 Imagination Station
9 642 658 501
10 304 807 836
Class 103 MO/KS Three Gaited Stake
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 689 689 689 689 1- 1- 1 Callaway's Blaire
2 408 295 295 295 2- 2- 3 Always Trust In Me
3 295 408 408 408 2- 3- 3 Majestic's Starry Starry Night
4 158 158 158 158 4- 4- 4 Valeriana
Class 104 Equitation 14-15
Cates Cowart Mugnier
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 443 443 443 443 1- 1- 1 My Sudden Surprise
2 826 826 826 826 2- 2- 2 Number One Girl
3 820 821 821 821 3- 3- 4 Heir's Wing Man
4 821 820 820 820 3- 4- 4 Credit Crunch
5 384 384 384 384 5- 5- 5 Whispers 'N Rumors
Class 105 Park Pl. Stake
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 791 663 614 791 1- 2- X Callaway's Here's To Hope
2 858 430 791 663 1- 3- 4 Fort Chiswell's Prince Charmin
3 663 482 484 614 1- 4- 8 Brightest Light
4 614 784 663 858 2- 5- 8
5 367 858 784 784 4- 5- X Coventry's Too Fast Too Fur
6 430 851 415 430 2- 6- X A Fire Cracker
7 851 367 367 367 5- 7- 7 Park Avenue Diva
8 415 614 858 851 6- 7- 9 Believe In Pink
9 484 420 851
Class 106 Hackney Pony Pl. Driving Jr Exhib Nat. Champ
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 395 502 395 395 1- 1- 2 Pacifico's Standing Ovation
2 502 395 502 502 1- 2- 2 Conqueror's Colleen
Class 107 Equitation 16-17
Cowart Mugnier Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 249 247 247 247 1- 1- 4 Harley Rally
2 574 249 249 249 1- 2- 2 Kalarama's Personality Plus
3 654 371 817 371 3- 4- 6 La Zingara
4 247 248 371 574 2- 5- 6 Nuttin To It
5 817 574 654 654 3- 5- 6 CH EQ First Light of Dawn
6 371 654 574 817 3- 5- 7 Believe N
7 248 817 248 248 4- 7- 7 Callaway's Born A STar
8 213 213 213 213 8- 8- 8 Cloverleaf Turner Jake
Class 108 Adult Five Gaited Pl Nat Champ
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 554 732 554 554 1- 1- 3 CH Take A Guess
2 718 718 718 718 2- 2- 2 CH Callaway's Ariel
3 467 554 467 467 3- 3- 7 CH Callaway's Dream Big
4 732 309 732 732 1- 4- 4 CH Mojo
5 309 503 503 309 4- 5- 8 Kenny Dawson
6 462 847 194 503 5- 5- 9 CH Desert's Supreme Kid
7 194 467 462 462 6- 7- 9 Callaway's Can't You See
8 564 564 309 194 6- 7-10 CH Quidditch
9 503 462 847
10 847 194 305
Class 109 MO/KS Am/Jr Exhib Three Gaited Stake
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 211 211 705 211 1- 1- 2 Lime Twisted Gin
2 705 347 211 705 1- 2- 5 He's A Jim Dandy
3 348 355 348 348 3- 3- 4 Callaway's Take A Stand
4 347 348 347 347 2- 4- 4 Uncle Charlie
5 355 705 355 355 3- 5- 5 Party Next Door
Class 110 Western Pl Nat Champ
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 790 790 790 790 1- 1- 1 Reedann's Phancy Phootwork
2 328 613 529 529 2- 3- 4 Reedann's Phederal Reserve
3 529 831 613 613 2- 3- 4 CH Monsignor
4 613 529 831 831 3- 4- 5 CH I'm Goin Out Tonight
5 831 328 328 328 2- 5- 5 Cheeten Lady
6 419 388 218 218 6- 7- 7 CH Dark Fantasia
7 218 218 388 388 6- 7- 8 Raising Havoc
8 388 870 423 419 6- 9- 9 Tuffy's Gunslinger
9 870 419 419
10 423 423 870
Class 111 Show Pl. 13 & Unde Nat Champ
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 356 463 463 463 1- 1- 2 The Lone Star Heiress
2 463 143 143 143 2- 2- 9 Girl On Fire
3 667 438 667 667 3- 3- 9 Callaway's Eight Below
4 438 586 256 438 3- 4- 9 Imagine If
5 651 827 827 827 5- 5- X Ryans Wish
6 586 256 651 586 4- 6- 7 CH With Bells On
7 256 651 586 256 4- 6- 7 CH Keeper Of The Stars
8 521 356 521 651 5- 6- 7 Perilous
9 143 667 438
10 684 521 356
Class 112 UPHA W/T Challenge Cup Finals
Mugnier Becker Lavery
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 759 759 710 759 1- 1- 3 Miss Mheiry Mac
2 726 710 291 710 1- 2- 7 Heir's Halo
3 291 291 759 291 2- 3- 3 Tangled In Blues
4 641 641 641 641 4- 4- 4 Mooi Mooi
5 575 787 302 726 2- 6- 8 Brookhill's Who's Your Daddy
6 379 726 575 575 5- 6- 8 Forever Heaven
7 710 147 787 787 5- 7- 9 Platinum Asset
8 147 575 726 147 7- 8- 9 Miner's Blessing
9 787 379 147 379 6- 9-10 Azure Dreams
10 302 302 379 302 5-10-10 HS Decorum
Class 113 UPHA Exceptional Challenge Cup Final
Becker Lavery Mugnier
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 358 358 358 358 1- 1- 1 Shot A Scotch
2 798 537 537 537 2- 2- 3 Blue Calliou
3 537 261 796 343 4- 4- 4 Willowwick Southern Style
4 343 343 343 261 3- 5- 6 CH Power Source
5 605 788 261 605 5- 6- 8 Moonlight's Talisman
6 261 605 788 788 5- 6-10 CH Mogul
7 797 544 544 544 7- 7- 9 Always Bet Black
8 796 796 605 796 3- 8- 8 Just Cruising
9 544 797 798 798 2- 9-10 June Bug
10 788 798 797 797 7- 9-10 Good Bar Tiger
Class 114 Am Three Gaited Nat. Stake
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 744 744 744 744 1- 1- 1 CH With Style and Grace
2 555 555 434 555 2- 2- 3 Callaway's Thrills & Chills
3 434 470 555 434 2- 3- 5 She's My Sugarland
4 729 729 470 470 3- 4- 5 Attache's Popeye
5 470 434 533 729 4- 4- 7 Re Energized
6 533 720 720 720 6- 6- 7 Promised Love
7 720 652 729 533 5- 6- 8 The Boogie Woogie Man
8 652 533 652 652 7- 8- 8 Hillcroft Rare Fortune
Class 115 Am Hackney Pony Nat Champ
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 645 645 645 645 1- 1- 1 CH Heartland Fortune Maker
2 182 182 182 182 2- 2- 2
3 451 451 451 451 3- 3- 3 Follow Suit
Class 116 MO/KS Five Gaited Stake
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 619 619 693 619 1- 1- 2 Callaway's The Coast is Clear
2 693 693 619 693 1- 2- 2 Ridgewood's Wonderful Admiral
3 709 709 709 709 3- 3- 3 Ylang Ylang
Class 117 Equitation Champ
Mugnier Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 247 247 640 247 1- 1- 3 Harley Rally
2 640 658 658 640 1- 2- 3 CH EQ A Sweet Sensation
3 443 640 247 658 2- 2- 4 CH EQ Oh What A Feeling
4 658 443 443 443 3- 4- 4 My Sudden Surprise
5 249 249 249 249 5- 5- 5 Kalarama's Personality Plus
6 371 370 370 370 6- 6-10 Highpoint's Syncopated Rhythm
7 820 817 826 371 6- 8- 8 La Zingara
8 817 371 371 817 7- 8- 9 Believe N
9 826 213 817
10 370 820 820
11 213 826 213
Class 118 Am Roadster Pony Nat Champ
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 189 189 189 189 1- 1- 1 Sugarland
2 448 448 276 448 2- 2- 4 Heartland Curtain Call
3 192 192 192 192 3- 3- 3 Thunderation
4 276 276 448 276 2- 4- 4 Regal's Bandolero
5 862 308 308 308 5- 5- 6 Regal's Special Effort LF
6 308 862 862 862 5- 6- 6
7 198 617 617 617 7- 7- 8 Lieutenant Dan
8 617 198 198 198 7- 8- 8 Regal's Amigo LF
Class 119 Am Park Stake
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 749 687 140 140 1- 2- 6 Cherished King
2 140 600 582 600 2- 3- 3 Nuttin To Lose
3 600 749 600 749 1- 3- 6 Front Row Frankie
4 582 582 491 582 2- 4- 4 Nuttin Doing
5 376 376 800 376 5- 5- 7 He's a Royal Pepper
6 491 140 749 491 4- 6- X CH Callaway's Local News
7 572 800 376 800 5- 7-10 Undulata's Waltzing Matilda
8 584 245 625 687 1- 9- X Alinda Gail
9 318 572 687
10 800 584 245
Class 120 Five Gaited 13 & Under Nat Champ
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 552 552 490 552 1- 1- 2 Bono
2 490 490 552 490 1- 2- 2 CH Callaway's Born for This
3 538 538 538 538 3- 3- 3 Heir Comes the Man
4 265 265 673 265 4- 4- 5 The Cover Story
5 673 673 265 673 4- 5- 5 Varsity Blues
6 522 662 219 522 6- 7- 8 Lawman
7 662 219 522 662 6- 7- 8 Heir Dazzle
8 219 522 662 219 6- 7- 8 Finding Treasure
Class 121 Roadster to Wagon Champ
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 855 855 855 855 1- 1- 1 Ice Man
2 738 738 738 738 2- 2- 2 Last Call
Class 122 ASHA Show Pl. Driving Final
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 394 394 394 394 1- 1- 1 CH First Class Heir
2 298 638 298 298 2- 2- 3 Talladega Red
3 638 298 638 638 2- 3- 3 Kamunyak
Class 123 Am Ladies Three Gaited Nat Stake
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 128 168 128 128 1- 1- 2 Heir To A Kiss
2 833 128 168 168 1- 2- 3 Real Action
3 168 460 833 833 2- 3- 4 Famous Kiss
4 460 833 460 460 3- 4- 4 Prom Dress
5 349 349 349 349 5- 5- 5 Chardonnay's Phancy Lady
Class 124 Five Gaited Jr
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 259 259 259 259 1- 1- 1 Moonlight Memories
2 834 507 864 864 2- 3- 5
3 864 785 234 507 2- 4- 5 Callaway's Cassia
4 234 621 507 234 3- 4- 9 Reedann's Treasure Our Talk
5 507 864 834 834 2- 5- 6 Rosewood's Once Upon A Time
6 155 834 155 155 6- 6- 7 MBA's Got GAme
7 621 155 621 621 4- 7- 7 Jamaica Special
8 320 320 785 785 3- 8-10 Misty Marie
9 275 234 320
10 785 275 275
Class 125 Am Harness Pony Nat Champ
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 176 176 176 176 1- 1- 1 CH Crystal Creek's Commander
2 433 541 390 433 2- 3- 3 Heartland Queen of the Road
3 541 433 433 541 2- 3- 4 Heartland Marching Orders
4 390 390 541 390 2- 4- 4 Backstage Pass
Class 126 Adult Show Pl. Nat Champ
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 598 839 598 598 1- 1- 2 Mighty Thor
2 839 598 839 839 1- 2- 2 CH Undulata's Fashion Plate
3 743 743 560 743 3- 3- 5 CH Perfect Vengeance
4 560 397 242 560 3- 4- 5 Kent Brockman
5 644 560 743 446 6- 6- 7 Stocco
6 446 377 446 397 4- 7- 9 Nina Campbell
7 397 446 853 377 6- 8- 8 The Mansion
8 377 583 377 242 4- 9- X Captain Sparrow JJS
9 583 242 397
10 782 644 644
Class 127 Jr Three Gaited
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 166 498 166 166 1- 1- 3 Undulata's Secret Rendevous
2 498 203 459 498 1- 2- 4 HS Daydream's Celebrity
3 203 166 203 203 2- 3- 3 Say Yes To The Dress
4 459 675 498 459 2- 4- 5 I'm Still Dreamin
5 675 459 675 675 4- 5- 5 Manipulating The Stars
6 742 742 742 742 6- 6- 6 Brookhill's Fame
7 588 588 588 588 7- 7- 7 Lookie Heir Lookie Heir
Class 128 Am Roadster to Bike Nat Champ
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 818 818 745 818 1- 1- 2 Ring of Fire
2 333 745 818 745 1- 2- 3 Thunderbolt
3 745 333 333 333 2- 3- 3 Mr's Bones
Class 129 Ladies Five Gaited Stake
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 267 571 571 571 1- 1- 2 Walterway's Pardon Me
2 571 131 267 267 1- 2- 3 Iconium
3 814 267 678 678 3- 4- 4 Cavalia
4 678 678 205 205 4- 5- 7 Mosette
5 205 704 704 704 5- 5- 7 Here I Am Again
6 131 814 814 814 3- 6- 6 I'm Royalty Too
7 704 205 131 131 2- 6- 7 Waterway's Wha'About Me
Class 133 Jr Exhib Five Gaited Nat Champ
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 257 257 257 257 1- 1- 1 I'm Something Wicked
2 611 611 466 611 2- 2- 3 Start the Game
3 466 466 611 466 2- 3- 3 Stonecroft Rumor Has It
4 445 445 445 445 4- 4- 4 CH A Dream In Color
5 753 753 396 753 5- 5- 6 Fort Chiswell's The It Girl
6 396 519 753 396 5- 6- 7 Faithful One
7 519 396 519 519 6- 7- 7 Champagne Caramac
8 812 812 812 812 8- 8- 8 Madeira's Deliverance
Class 134 Fine Harness 3 Y/O
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 338 338 338 338 1- 1- 1 Axel's Dark Knight
2 104 863 863 863 2- 2- 3
3 863 104 104 104 2- 3- 3 Ridgewood's Mr. York
Class 135 Roadster Pony Under Nat Champ
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 173 173 173 173 1- 1- 1 A Dazzling Diva
2 455 837 455 455 2- 2- 4 Perfect Offering
3 181 181 837 837 2- 3- 4 Regal's Double Trouble LF
4 837 455 181 181 3- 3- 4 Heartland Painted Creation
5 724 724 724 724 5- 5- 5 Aragorn
Class 136 Country Pl. Driving Nat Champ
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 477 477 477 477 1- 1- 1 CH Callaway's Cumulus
2 608 608 608 608 2- 2- 2 Double or Nuttin
3 618 722 618 618 3- 3- 4 Heirizona Rose
4 361 618 412 412 4- 5- 5 Fascinating Conversation
5 412 412 361 361 4- 5- 6 CH It's Good Karma
6 722 361 722 722 3- 6- 6 Stonecroft First Request
Class 137 UPHA Walk/Trot Challenge Cup (2014)
Cates Cowart Mugnier
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 291 291 291 291 1- 1- 1 Tangled In Blues
2 147 147 811 147 2- 2- 4 Miner's Blessing
3 838 838 372 838 3- 3- 8 Amber Lager
4 811 811 147 811 2- 4- 4 Sea Side
5 372 372 683 372 3- 5- 5 CH (EQ) Pinstripe Dancer
6 683 436 534 683 5- 6- 8 Callaway's Sportscaster
7 534 534 436 534 6- 7- 7 BJB The Gambler
8 436 683 838 436 6- 7- 8 Callaway's Gentlemen's Agreem
Class 138 Hackney Pony Nat Champ
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 180 180 116 180 1- 1- 2 Heartland Globe-Trotter
2 116 116 180 116 1- 2- 2 Heartland News Leader
Class 139 Country Pl. 13 & Under Champ
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 699 699 699 699 1- 1- 1 Callaway's Winning Number
2 674 674 674 674 2- 2- 2 Majestic's Trust Me
3 504 810 723 810 3- 4- 5 Stars Go Blue
4 828 504 810 504 3- 4- 6 Brianna Fox
5 810 723 828 723 3- 5- 6 Uwharrie's Patriot Sage
6 723 828 504 828 4- 5- 6 Romeo's Night Out
Class 140 Three Gaited 3 Y/O
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 562 562 562 562 1- 1- 1 Sir Surreal
2 130 130 130 130 2- 2- 2 Tefnut
3 322 322 322 322 3- 3- 3 Madeira's Reality Check
4 105 105 353 105 4- 4- 5 Callway's Consider Me Gone
5 353 353 105 353 4- 5- 5 Crackalackin
Class 141 Five Gaited Pony Stake
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 829 829 829 829 1- 1- 1
2 602 757 757 757 2- 2- 3 Silvashay
3 757 602 602 602 2- 3- 3 Little Lord Huntley
4 457 457 457 457 4- 4- 4 CH Billy Jewel
Class 142 Show Pl. Driving Nat Champ
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 391 475 391 391 1- 1- 2 Irresistible Design
2 115 391 475 475 1- 2- 3 American Art
3 475 326 332 326 3- 4- 7 Jack And Coke
4 418 418 326 418 4- 4- 7 Spend the Night
5 171 115 115 115 2- 5- 5 Gypsy Gentlemen
6 332 332 269 332 3- 6- 6 Surprise Kiss
7 326 171 418 171 5- 7- 8 Super Cooper
8 809 269 171 269 6- 8- 9 Such A Catch
9 269 809 809
Class 143 ASHA Country Pl. Driving Challenge
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 217 217 217 217 1- 1- 1 Metropolis
Class 144 Five Gaited 3 Y/O
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 339 251 871 251 1- 2- 3 C'Mon Man
2 871 496 251 871 1- 2- 5
3 251 622 496 496 2- 3- 4 Master Suite
4 496 339 278 339 1- 4- 7 El Cadette
5 548 871 548 548 5- 5- 6 The Voodoo King
6 278 548 622 622 3- 6- 7 Avalanche
7 622 278 339 278 4- 6- 7 Cullen's Fortune
Class 145 Three Gaited Pony Stake
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 758 758 758 758 1- 1- 1 Nuttin But Style
2 776 776 776 776 2- 2- 2 Powerful Tango
3 121 121 121 121 3- 3- 3 Designer Diva
Class 146 Country Pl. 14-17 Nat Champ
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 437 437 437 437 1- 1- 1 CH Extremely Fortunut
2 735 735 676 735 2- 2- 3 CH Hard Day's Night TS
3 299 676 735 676 2- 3- 5 Royal Valentine
4 866 113 299 299 3- 4- 5 Radiant Joy
5 676 299 113 113 4- 5- 7 Dressed For The Party
6 221 866 866 866 4- 6- 6
7 113 221 220 221 6- 7- 8 Worthy's Exhibitor
8 220 220 221 220 7- 8- 8 Blue Grass Mac
Class 147 Jr Exhib Park Stake
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 258 258 258 258 1- 1- 1 Let's TAlk
2 760 760 760 760 2- 2- 2 CH I'm Mc Dreamy
3 542 137 542 542 3- 3- 4 Cloverleaf Master and Comman
4 137 542 137 137 3- 4- 4 CH High Heat
5 682 444 682 682 5- 5- 6 Johnny Globetrotter
6 331 682 506 506 6- 7- 8 Uptown Chatter
7 506 281 331 331 6- 7- 9 The Twelfth Night
8 444 506 444 444 5- 8- 8 CH Hillside's Sensation
9 281 331 213
10 213 808 808
Class 148 Jr Exhib Roadster Pony Nat Champ
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 185 185 186 185 1- 1- 3 Kharbon Steel
2 378 837 378 378 2- 2- 4 My Kryptonite
3 186 186 185 186 1- 3- 3 Mastercraft's Red Baron LF
4 837 378 837 837 2- 4- 4 Regal's Double Trouble LF
Class 149 Equitation 10 & Under WTC
Cowart Mugnier Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 726 726 726 726 1- 1- 1 Brookhill's Who's Your Daddy
2 575 569 787 787 2- 3- 4 Platinum Asset
3 787 727 461 727 3- 4- 4 Imagination Station
4 727 787 727 569 2- 5- 5 Daybreak's Time Flies
5 569 575 569 575 2- 5- 6 Forever Heaven
6 461 461 575 461 3- 6- 6 Man In Charge
Class 150 USEF Saddle Seat Medal Final
Currier Hetzel Dun Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 747 747 747 747 1- 1- 1 CH EQ Chanti's Prayer
2 763 517 517 517 2- 2- 3 Heirronic
3 517 292 763 763 2- 3- 4 CH EQ Kiss of the Zodiac
4 737 763 659 739 5- 5- 6 Imagine My Surprse
5 739 659 739 659 4- 5- 7 Royal Tryst
6 292 739 292 292 3- 6- 6 Madeira's FAme
7 659 737 737 737 4- 7- 7 Coco Mojo
8 247 741 247 247 8- 8-10 Harley Rally
9 741 371 741 741 8- 9- 9 He's My Beau
10 371 247 371 371 9-10-10 La Zingara
Class 151 Am Ladies Five Gaited Nat Stake
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 580 580 497 580 1- 1-10 Imperiaptor
2 679 497 679 497 1- 2- 3 My Rosalita
3 497 144 144 679 2- 2- 4 Callaway's I'll Stand By You
4 508 679 550 144 3- 3- 6 Kiss My Attache
5 550 458 458 550 4- 5- 6 Belle Reve's So Photogenic
6 144 550 508 458 5- 5- 7 He's Born to Lead
7 458 508 226 508 4- 6- 7 Callaway's Bookmark
8 587 671 671 671 8- 8-10 Count the Money
9 226 226 587
10 671 587 580
Class 152 Three Gaited 13 & Under Nat Champ
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 146 146 146 146 1- 1- 1 The Proof Is In The Heir
2 264 264 264 264 2- 2- 2 Bubble Bath
3 698 698 585 698 3- 3- 5 CH An Heir About Her
4 139 868 139 139 4- 4- 9 Caroline Brackenridge
5 240 861 698 861 5- 6- 8
6 868 240 861 240 5- 6- 8 A Storm STar
7 585 789 789 868 4- 6- 9
8 861 585 240 585 3- 7- 8 Simbara's Bountiful
9 789 139 868
Class 153 Parade Horse Nat. Champ
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 615 615 615 615 1- 1- 1 Marty McFly
2 227 526 227 227 2- 2- 3 Stonewall's Ebony Angel
3 526 227 526 526 2- 3- 3 Water Water Everywhere
4 229 229 229 229 4- 4- 4 Sparks In The Heir
Class 154 Fine Harness Nat Champ
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 553 553 553 553 1- 1- 1 Wild Carrissima
2 594 167 389 389 2- 3- 3 Our Brilliant Belle
3 389 389 167 167 2- 3- 4 Vienna Waltz
4 167 594 594 594 2- 4- 4 Roselane's Clemency
5 597 238 597 597 5- 5- 7 Renaissance Man's Medici
6 238 703 238 238 5- 6- 6 Reedann's County Gossip
7 703 597 777 703 6- 7- 8 Henry The Second
8 411 411 703 411 8- 8- 9 My Bling
9 777 777 411
Class 155 Ladies Three Gaited Nat Stake
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 488 557 488 488 1- 1- 2 Kentucky Proud
2 557 488 557 557 1- 2- 2 Brookhill's Glam Slam
3 702 307 307 307 3- 3- 4 The Rhumba
4 307 719 719 719 4- 4- 5 Ribbons and Reins
5 719 702 702 702 3- 5- 5 Ever Glade's Summer Heir
6 263 263 263 263 6- 6- 6 Ready To Jet
7 592 592 592 592 7- 7- 7 Hilheiry Duff
Class 156 Harness Pony Nat. Champ
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 184 184 184 184 1- 1- 1 Impress My Daddy
2 525 525 525 525 2- 2- 2 Front Page News
3 779 779 535 779 3- 3- 4 Heartland Boy On the Block
4 535 535 779 535 3- 4- 4 Romeo's Cavalier LF
5 284 284 284 284 5- 5- 5 Caesar Augustus
Class 157 Am Five Gaited Nat Stake
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 172 172 172 172 1- 1- 1 CH The Daily Lottery
2 511 511 660 511 2- 2- 4 Callaway's Karla
3 472 660 472 660 2- 3- 4 Mark of Perfection
4 660 362 511 472 3- 3- 5 Finest Hour Spent
5 852 472 852 852 5- 5- 8 Yankee Power
6 849 410 410 410 6- 6- 8 CH Roseridge's Gold
7 589 849 849 849 6- 7- 7 New York's Real Magic
8 410 852 362 362 4- 8- 9 Betsey Johnson
9 362 672 672
10 672 425 589
11 425 589
Class 158 Am Fine Harness Nat Champ
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 696 696 677 696 1- 1- 2 Magical Promises
2 677 677 696 677 1- 2- 2 HS Baby Steps
3 250 483 250 250 3- 3- 4 A Magical Melody
4 483 250 483 483 3- 4- 4 Bump In The Night
5 610 610 610 610 5- 5- 5 Five Star Day
Class 159 Three Gaited 14-17 Champ
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 487 762 487 487 1- 1- 2 Swing An Singin
2 762 487 762 762 1- 2- 2 Platinum Moon
3 756 764 756 756 3- 3- 4 Watermark's A Kiss for Luck
4 262 756 262 262 4- 4- 5 Designed For Blue
5 764 262 764 764 3- 5- 5 CH HS Dignitary
6 650 650 650 650 6- 6- 6 Sky Bravo
Class 160 Hackney Pony Pl. Driving Nat Champ
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 178 178 178 178 1- 1- 1 Hawkeye's Dream Boy
2 187 648 648 648 2- 2- 3 Extremely Supreme
3 648 409 187 187 2- 3- 4 Night Voyager
4 314 187 314 314 4- 4- 5 Regal's Auctioneer LF
5 416 314 407 409 3- 6- 6 Buckle Up HS
6 409 416 409 416 5- 6- 7 Heartland Macho Man
7 407 407 416 407 5- 7- 7 Velvet King
8 528 528 528 528 8- 8- 8 Heartland Wonderdust
Class 161 Three Gaited Nat Champ
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 695 695 374 695 1- 1- 2 VHF Belle Epoque
2 374 374 695 374 1- 2- 2 Sir Silver Knight
3 106 106 106 106 3- 3- 3 Callaway's REality Show
Class 162 Park Nat Stake
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 697 215 210 210 1- 2- 4 Designed By You
2 246 210 697 697 1- 2- 5 Anna Wintour
3 489 489 489 489 3- 3- 3 Caraway's New York Minute
4 210 573 246 246 2- 4- 6 My Best Asset
5 765 697 573 573 4- 5- 6 Callaway's Ladies Choice
6 573 246 765 765 5- 6- 7 CH Stravinsky
7 215 765 280 215 1- 7- 8
8 480 280 215 280 7- 8- 9 Preferred's Gray Miracle
9 280 480 480
Class 163 Roadster to Bike Nat Champ
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 819 746 819 819 1- 1- 2 Live Action
2 746 819 746 746 1- 2- 2 Taking Care of Business
3 123 123 123 123 3- 3- 3 Alcazar
Class 164 Five Gaited 14-17 Nat Champ
Cates Cowart Murray
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 761 761 761 761 1- 1- 1 CH Platinum's New Look
2 813 752 813 813 2- 2- 5 CH Freaky Links
3 752 668 752 752 2- 3- 3 Ashlyn's Voodoo Charm
4 668 465 465 668 3- 4- 6 He's Full Throtte
5 803 813 803 465 4- 4- 6 Our Favorite Memory
6 465 649 668 803 5- 5- 7 Desert's Double Memories
7 655 803 649 649 6- 7- 8 Sensational Charm
8 649 655 655 655 7- 8- 8 Here to Win
Class 165 Roadster Pony Nat Champ
Cowart Murray Cates
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 230 822 822 822 1- 1- 2 Stat
2 822 230 230 230 1- 2- 2 Twin Willow's McDreamy
3 708 708 708 708 3- 3- 3 The Wizard LF
4 255 255 255 255 4- 4- 4 Shake It
5 536 536 536 536 5- 5- 5 JM's Legacy
Class 166 Five Gaited Nat Stake
Murray Cates Cowart
Call 2nd 3rd Final Vote Count
1 510 510 510 510 1- 1- 1 Callaway's Annabel Allison
2 471 311 311 311 2- 2- 3 It's Double O Deuce
3 311 854 373 471 2- 4- 4 I'll Bet You
4 373 471 471 373 3- 4- 5 Attache's Crown Royal
5 854 373 854 854 3- 5- 5 Wicked In A Winning Way
6 138 138 138 138 6- 6- 6 Fight Night
7 286 286 286 286 7- 7- 7 Designed To Be Treasured